Satellite based land surface temperature. The readings are based on the average of different summertime images from 2018 1nd 2019. In degrees Celsius, these readings are then averaged across the LSOA, to give one reading per LSOA. Land surface temperature is often used as a proxy for air temperature to help understand variation in temperature across a city.
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index or NDVI and can be used to estimate the density of greenness of an area of land. The index ranges from +1 to -1 with higher values representing more greenspace. The readings are based on the average of different satellite images.
% of homes near busy roads
% of homes per Ward which sit within 50m of a B-road or larger.
Air pollution (NOx)
Air pollution (PM 10)
Air pollution (PM 2.5)
Building height
Mean building height per Ward. Ordnance Survey Building Height data containing spatially referenced outlines and heights of all buildings in Bristol was used. Here GIS was used to assign buildings per Ward to calculate the mean building height in metres for each Ward.
Land covered by buildings
The % of land within an Ward covered by buildings. Ordnance Survey Building Height data containing spatially referenced outlines and heights of all buildings in Bristol was used. Here the area of land covered by buildings per Ward was calculated using GIS.
Mean distance to greenspace
This layer gives a proxy for the mean distance to greenspace (in metres) for each Ward. Wards were covered in points at 100m intervals and the distance to greenspace larger than 600m2 was calculated for each one. The mean for each Ward of these distances was then found. Greenspace was derived from UK's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2020 Landover maps. The data was downloaded from
here where more information about how the land cover maps are created can be found.
Normalised Difference Built-up IndexGreenspace
The % of land per Ward classified as greenspace using the UK's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2020 Landcover maps. The land classifications of Broadleaved Woodland, Coniferous Woodland, Arable and Horticulture, Improved Grassland, Improved Grassland, and Fen Marsh and Swamp were all included in greenspace.
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Land Cover Maps (
Blue space
Urban (%)
Suburban (%)