The "Curtailment: GSP" dataset details the total measured curtailment aggregated at a GSP level for the period July 2024 to September 2024.
At this time only curtailment events measured and recorded by our Active Network Management (ANM) system are captured.
For additional information on column definitions, please click on the Dataset schema link below.
Disclaimer: It should be noted that this dataset does not align with the Curtailment Limit guidance as required for a Curtailable Connection (as per DCUSA Schedule 2D) as it includes both curtailment under fault conditions and curtailment driven by Transmission network constraints. This dataset is updated on a quarterly basis.
Some values are left blank in the dataset given that from February 2021 a number of customers connected under the Dunbar ANM system moved to an unconstrained connection and therefore no data is published beyond that point.
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Data Triage : SPEN Data Triage Risk Assessments provide information and a detailed overview of how we approach the Data Triage process. The risk assessment will determine the dataset classification and whether it can be made available, and under which licence.
Click below to view the Data Triage document for this dataset. These are hosted on our SP Energy Networks website and can be viewed by clicking here