For: Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan Amendment with “c” variances
Address: 49 Fisk Street
Applicant: 49 Fisk Property Owner LLC
Attorney: Donald Pepe, Esq.
Review Planner: Cameron Black, AICP, PP
Block: 22103Lot: 1
Zone: Route 440 Culver Redevelopment Plan
Description: Proposal for a new 6-story building with 337 versus the original 338 dwelling units, 143 versus 144 parking spaces and 169 bike parking spaces. Balcony modifications are proposed and amenity layout changes will be proposed.
Variances: Creation of a new block and right-of-way, accessory uses and structures, rear yard setback, maximum floor-to-ceiling height without a mezzanine in Mid-Rise A, maximum floor-to-ceiling height without a mezzanine in Mid-Rise B.