Explore real GDP growth projections dataset, including insights into the impact of COVID-19 on economic trends. This dataset covers countries such as Spain, Australia, France, Italy, Brazil, and more.
growth rate, Real, COVID-19, GDP
Spain, Australia, France, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Russia, Turkiye, World, China, Mexico, Korea, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Germany, Indonesia, Japan
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Source: OECD Economic Outlook database.
- India projections are based on fiscal years, starting in April. The European Union is a full member of the G20, but the G20 aggregate only includes countries that are also members in their own right. Spain is a permanent invitee to the G20. World and G20 aggregates use moving nominal GDP weights at purchasing power parities. Difference in percentage points, based on rounded figures.