This dataset contains
Brisbane City Council’s superseded versions of
Brisbane City Plan 2014, back to version 14.00/2019.
Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) commenced on
30 June 2014 and has been updated by amendments since this time. Each time an
amendment is actioned, a new version of City Plan is created, and the previous
version is superseded.
Not all City Plan layers (datasets) were updated
in each amendment (version), for more information on past amendments go
to Adopted City Plan amendments on the Brisbane City Council website.
The collections of datasets to search, view and download can be accessed using the
links in the Data and resources section below.
A new resource will be added to this dataset for
each superseded version of City Plan.
Understanding City Plan versions and the use of tags in City Plan
As mentioned above, not all City Plan layers
(datasets) were updated in each amendment (version). Tags are used to show what
datasets were updated in an amendment.
The about page, described above, has a section
called Tags. Superseded City Plan datasets have two tags that
relate to the dataset version. The two tags are in different formats:
Use [Superseded] City Plan 2014 —
v22.00–2021 — Active frontages in residential zones overlay as
an Brisbane City Council website to see the two version related tags for
this dataset:
The different formats represent:
version and year of the City Plan amendment (The dataset is from version
22 in 2021 and all version 22 datasets have the tag v22.00 2021).
The version of the City Plan
amendment when the dataset was last updated (the dataset was last updated in
amendment 18 and was not updated in amendments 19, 20, 21 or 22).